- The Fornicon: A collection of Swiss "inventions," i.e. love machines. Neutral, or just "busy," Switzerland?
- Hilda or The Triumph of Big Women: hottie Hilda takes a few lanky men on the ride of their life. Rock on, Hilda, rock on.
- The Story of O by Crepax (who also illustrated de Sade's Justine & Masoch's Venus In Furs)
- Kake: a Tom of Finland comic strip about a sudden threesome in the woods between a cop, a sailor, and a leather daddy (plus a thoroughly-satisfied woman with a police baton). So hot.
- A sequence called The Nun featuring... guess who? Hey, everyone needs love.
Down sides: Quite a few misogynistic illustrations, and that racist bastard Crumb got a spot amidst some very amazing artists. Bummer.
All in all, I'm reviewing this collection because its interesting, sometimes funny, pretty hot, and a little-known must-have for any erotic-art library. Only 3 Lemons due to the down sides.

~ A.
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